If you are a Corporate CEO, HR Manager, Business Owner or Leader looking to take care of your team in 2020, you are in the right place. If you don’t fit any of those labels, you may still find this article beneficial, especially if you are in the market for a standing desk converter, laptop desk for bed, or portable laptop desk.
This article will cover some tips on caring for your team in a post-COVID-19 remote economic world.
If this is your first time hearing about us, AboveTEK® is a New York-based creator of premium tech accessories including high-quality products like standing desk converter, laptop desk for bed, portable laptop desk, and more.
When it comes to our standing desk converter, laptop desk for bed, and portable laptop desk, comfort, quality, and innovation are at the core of our in-house design team. Whether it is our standing desk converter that allows you to sit/stand, our laptop desk that allows you to do that Zoom meeting in bed with your kids, or our portable laptop desk that lets you take your work anywhere, all our products are crafted with the finest materials and optimized design. Our products simplify your interaction with technology and bring you closer to the moments that matter.
Here are three tips to care for the mental and physical well-being of your team as well as gift recommendations for our favorite AboveTEK gift ideas such as a standing desk converter, portable laptop desk, and laptop desk for bed.
Tip #1: Care for your team’s mental health by using clear communication

COVID has changed the workforce tremendously. It has impacted the global economy physically, emotionally, and mentally. The old way of doing business is not going to work and only business leaders who are willing to adapt will succeed. While COVID hit many businesses rather hard, it has also opened up market opportunities for opportunistic business leaders who know how to adapt to a challenge.
You can’t expect your team to function like they did pre COVID. It is imperative you take their mental health seriously if you want them to be thriving and good team members. Consider offering flexible work hours, work from home opportunities, and creative ways of getting the job done.
This is done by communicating with your team that you care and that you are willing to work together towards a win-win solution.
Consider innovative software like Miro, an interactive whiteboard platform, Trello/Asana, two very popular project management tools.
Tip #2: Show your team you care by gifting them ergonomic work from home tools such as a standing desk converter, portable laptop desk, or laptop desk for bed
There are roughly two types of business leaders. 1) Those who know the ripple-effect power of investing in their teams 2) Those who view investing in their teams as a waste of time.
Winston S. Churchill was quoted having said “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
2020 has shown us all the power of unity, the grief of loss, and how almost instantaneously, a large part of the workforce was forced to work remotely.
According to the Pew Research Center (based on data from BLS) prior to COVID-19, only 7% of workers in the U.S. had access to a “flexible workplace” benefit or telework.
That number jumped quickly to 62-64% according to research conducted by SHRM’s COVID-19 Business Index and recent Gallup's research.
With most remote workers working at home, with many of them also caring for families, including children engaging in distance learning, it has never been a more important time to take care of your remote workers.
Business leaders who invest in their teams are known to have increased employee loyalty, higher productivity, and a significant return on investment.
Here are our favorite AboveTEK gift ideas, with our standing desk converter, portable laptop desk, and laptop desk for the bed being our top recommendations to help your team create a productive work at home space.
Gift Idea 1: AboveTEK Standing Desk Sit Standing Desk Converter
Our standing desk converter is one of the highest quality standing desk converter products on the market.
This adjustable portable laptop desk is the ultimate standing desk converter. With it’s sleek and sturdy aluminum construction, it is our number one gift idea for your remote team. The benefits of a standing desk converter are it is adjustable and allows for when your team needs to alternate between standing and sitting. Standing desk converters have been shown to be ergonomically friendly for maintaining healthy backs.
AboveTEK Portable Laptop Desk
Our portable laptop desk is one of the most innovative portable laptop desk products on the market.

Our portable laptop desk is sleek, beautiful, and features a retractable mouse pad. This will allow your work at home employees to work virtually anywhere.
Gift Idea #3: AboveTEK Portable Laptop Desk For Bed with Standing Desk Converter Capabilities
Our portable laptop desk for bed is perhaps one of our most versatile products. It allows your employees to use the portable laptop desk for bed, outside, as a standing desk converter, with multiple angles. We guarantee it will kick their productivity up a notch and make them feel appreciated by you.

Tip #3: Ask / Survey them on what can be most helpful
Piggybacking off tip #2, you might think “ how do I know if my team will like or use a standing desk converter, portable laptop desk, or laptop desk for bed?”
Good question.
Ask them. Share this article with them and survey them if they would use any of these products. Chances are they would. If they had a laptop desk for bed, they may be able to balance working from home more efficiently when they have to juggle your deadline and their children’s needs.
Asking your team what they need shows respect. When your team knows you care, not only will they be more motivated to care for you and your business, but it will also foster a better environment. It is no secret that the number one reason people leave companies is due to management. According to a Robert Half poll, “nearly half the employees said they quit their job because of a bad boss”.
The workforce is changing and it is the business leaders who invest in their teams during these trying times that will come out on the other side stronger. Consider these tips whether for daily appreciation, holiday gift ideas, or a way to support your team in this post-COVID world.